1. Legislation
  2. Establishment of Structure and Authorities to Address Uniden...


Establishment of Structure and Authorities to Address Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

November 4, 2021

  • Establishment of the Anomaly Surveillance and Resolution Office (ASRO)
  • Transfer of UAPTF duties to ASRO
  • Mandated annual reports to Congress on UAP investigations
  • Creation of an Aerial and Transmedium Phenomena Advisory Committee

SA.4281 has passed the Senate. It is now being reviewed by the President.

... The head of the Office shall supervise the development and execution of an intelligence collection and analysis plan on behalf of the Secretary and the Director to gain as much knowledge as possible regarding the technical and operational characteristics, origins, and intentions of unidentified aerial phenomena, including the development, acquisition, deployment, and operation of technical collection capabilities necessary to detect, identify, and scientifically characterize unidentified aerial phenomena.

read the full legislation here

November 4, 2021

Establishment of Structure and Authorities to Address Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

A new Senate proposal, titled the "Establishment of Structure and Authorities to Address Unidentified Aerial Phenomena," aims to create an Anomaly Surveillance and Resolution Office (ASRO) to enhance U.S. efforts in investigating Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). This proposal, introduced by U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), calls for increased transparency and annual reports to Congress on UAP investigations. It seeks to expand the scope of research, analysis, and disclosure surrounding UAP incidents.


Bipartisan index

Bipartisan index

Image of Kirsten Gillibrand


Kirsten Gillibrand




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Marco Rubio