1. Legislation
  2. UAP Reporting and Whistleblower Protection Act

H.R. 7776

UAP Reporting and Whistleblower Protection Act

May 6, 2022

  • Establishment of a secure mechanism for authorized reporting of UAP events and related government activities
  • Protection of classified information while sharing authorized disclosures within the Office
  • Protection for individuals making authorized disclosures, exempting them from nondisclosure agreements
  • Prohibition of reprisals against whistleblowers
  • Mandate for comprehensive searches of records related to nondisclosure agreements and UAP activities
  • Requirement for annual reports on UAP activities and authorized disclosures

H.R. 7776 has passed the Senate. It is now being reviewed by the President.

... establish a secure mechanism for authorized reporting of any activity or program by a department or agency of the Federal Government or a contractor of such a department or agency relating to unidentified anomalous phenomena, including with respect to material retrieval, material analysis, reverse engineering, research and development, detection and tracking, developmental or operational testing, and security protections and enforcement.

read the full legislation here

May 6, 2022

UAP Reporting and Whistleblower Protection Act

This legislation, part of the National Defense Authorization Act, outlines procedures for the reporting of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) and related activities to the Secretary of Defense. It aims to establish a secure mechanism for authorized reporting, protect individuals making authorized disclosures, and mandate comprehensive reviews of nondisclosure agreements and UAP-related records.


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Kirsten Gillibrand




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Marco Rubio